Save Sharks Now!

Imagine a shark yanked from the ocean, its dorsal fin sliced from its back. Still alive, the shark’s finless body is carelessly kicked back to sea where it bleeds out or drowns. The cruel practice of shark finning has put so much pressure on shark populations today that many face disastrous decline, endangered with extinction.

Today, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global fin trade every year.

Sharks have survived major mass extinctions during their 400 million-year history, yet human activities now pose possibly the greatest threat to their existence ever. Shark finning, unintended death in fishing gear and habitat destruction has gutted some shark populations to a fraction of what they once were.

There is hope. With support from Wavemakers like you, shark finning is now illegal in the United States and eleven states have even banned the sale and trade of shark fins within their borders. Still, shark fins continue to enter the U.S. and we continue to be complicit in sustaining the devastating fin trade.

Earlier this month, Oceana helped introduce the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act to Congress. If passed, this bill will ban the buying and selling of shark fins nationwide, cracking down on the international fin trade and demonstrating America’s commitment to sharks and our oceans.

Make a donation to Oceana to help support their work to protect sharks from the barbaric practice of finning.

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