Nutrition Tips

Basically just some unedited notes from my research into nutritional science.

Personalized nutrition is not new. Dr. Deepak Chopra explains ayurveda on his website here:

Dr. Steven Gundry speaks against lectins in this interview with Peter Diamandis:

He had some good quotes:
“The doctor of the future will give no medication.” -Thomas Edison
“Eat right. Stay fit. Live long, Die quick.”
Drink some good olive oil and eat some coconut oil.
Take probiotics from spore forming bacteria BC30 many don’t make it past stomach acid.
Eat food with PREbiotics, that is food for the PRObiotics.
Rice brown shell has lectin so eat it white, preferably cool it to resistant starch.
Men should eliminate sugars and simple carbs because they suppress testosterone.
He eats a lot of spirulina pills, but it’s critical to make sure any algae you eat comes from only the highest quality sources.

Steven’s number one green smoothie: handful of organic spinach, half head romaine, half avocado, half lemon, vanilla, sweet leaf stevia, water, ice. Plus his “vital reds” mix which contains polyphenols from skins and seeds without sugar plus BC30 probiotics and lots of b-vitamins.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick says that micronutrient deficiency such as low magnesium is a probable cause of slow decline in health with age. 45% of US population does not meet adequate intake for Mg 350-400mg per day for 300 enzymes in body to function properly. You need magnesium to use atp. Magnesium deficiency is forcing your cells to shut down dna repair processes! Kale leaves have magnesium and also lots of the pigments zeaxanthin and lutein which protect the eyes by filtering out singlet oxygen produced by blue light damaging and antioxidant. The brassica family (kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc) contains isothiocyanates which turn off phase 1 biotransformation enzymes which convert procarcinogens into active carcinogens. Isothiocyanates also turn on phase 2 detoxification enzymes which protect cells from carcinogens and reactive oxygen that could cause DNA damage. Eating brassica plants raw or blending them in a smoothie maximizes bioavailability of isothiocyanates through the myrosinase enzyme. 65% of us population deficient in vitamin K1 which is needed for coagulation, preventing calcification in the bloodstream and take it to the bones. Folate deficiency causes DNA to incorporate uracil instead of thiamine which is comparable to radiation damage. Folate is a precursor to methyl groups which regulate epigenetics. 97% of the us population is below the needed 4700mg per day to maintain normal blood pressure and decrease kidney stones.

Rhonda’s green smoothie recipe: 8 kale leaves 3 cups flax milk 4 rainbow chard leaves, 3 cups spinach, tomato, 2 carrots, apple, avocado, cup of blueberries, banana, 1 shot glass flax seed.